International Parking & Mobility Institute

Visiting address
1330 Braddock Place, Suite 350
Virginia 22314
Alexandria, VA
Postal address
P.O. Box 3787
Fredericksburg, VA , Virginia 22402
Contact person
Rachel YokaAssociation information
About IPMI
If you own a car, use public transportation, go to work or school, use health care, shop, dine out, or are part of a community, parking affects you. Probably in more ways than you’ve thought about!
The International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) is the world’s largest association of professionals in parking, transportation, and mobility — professionals who keep all of us moving. Members include: garage owners and operators architects city managers government agencies health care centers universities airports convention centers and more!
IPMI works to advance the parking and mobility profession through professional development, research and data collection, advocacy, and outreach. With experts from around the world in dozens of specialties, IPMI helps parking and transportation function efficiently so people, businesses, and communities can keep moving.
Press releases
IPI Changes Name to International Parking & Mobility Institute
kaja Parking Network
Professional Development with CAPP points, CEU, PDH & LU
nicole Parking Network
Groundbreaking New Book on Sustainable Parking Design and Management Advances "Green" Parking Solutions
nicole Parking Network
IPI to Host First Municipality (Smart) Parking Symposium: Real Solutions for Real Cities
nicole Parking Network
IPI Publishes How to Park: The Must-Read Manual for Teen Drivers in collaboration with AAA Mid Atlantic and the Mid-Atlantic Foundation for Safety and Education
nicole Parking Network
Parking Industry Joins with U.S. Department of Energy to Support Obama Administration Initiative to Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in the Workplace
nicole Parking Network
International Parking Institute Partners with Association for Commuter Transportation to Tackle Broad Transportation Issues
nicole Parking Network
International Parking Institute Joins Merchant Payments Coalition to Combat Unfair Swipe Fees
nicole Parking Network
International Parking Institute Accepting Nominations for 2013 Professional Recognition Awards
nicole Parking Network
New Survey of Emerging Trends in Parking
nicole Parking Network
New Report Highlights Importance of Parking to Airport Operations
nicole Parking Network