Svenska Parkeringföreningen

Visiting address



Postal address

Norra Kungsgatan 1

Gävle , 803 20



Tel 08 - 20 97 00

Contact person

Association information

The Swedish Parking Association is a non-profit association of municipalities, as well as municipally and privately owned parking companies.

The purpose of the Swedish Parking Association is to safeguard the common interests of the industry and to work for the development of parking operations based on common guidelines. The membership acts as a quality guarantee towards the customers, because the members undertake to follow the association's statutes and ethical rules . One ambition is to increase the number of members who share our basic vision.

Svepark Service AB is the association's organization for service, training, etc. Through a number of basic training courses in areas such as street and plot monitoring, customer service, and clear signage, the association wants to contribute to ensuring a high level of quality at the member companies.

Svepark also has an international commitment through its membership in EPA, the European Parking Association.