Intertraffic Mexico 2016

Event description
Intertraffic Mexico will be the platform for companies within the traffic industry from around the globe, wanting to explore business opportunities in Mexico. Intertraffic Mexico will enable the establishment of partnerships, creation of alliances and sharing of best practices between local and international businesses.
Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America, the 14th economy in the world. GoldmanSachs predicts that Mexico’s economy will be the 5th in the world by 2050. To fulfill this ambition there has to be an upgrade in the transport infrastructure, something the Mexican government understands and is committed to.
- Find a local partner and generate alliances to create business opportunities in Mexico
- Access high level decision-makers and a large
- Get up to speed with the latest developments in Mexico
- Monitor market demands in one of the most lucrative markets in the world
Event location
Contact information

RAI Amsterdam Exhibitions P.O. Box 77777 1070 MS Amsterdam Netherlands eu
Erik Dijkshoorn Send Email
+31 (0)20 549 12 12 +31 (0)20 549 18 89