Intertraffic Mexico 2017
Centro Citibanamex, México D.F., Mexico

Event description

Intertraffic Mexico is the platform for companies and traffic industry professionals from around the globe, wanting to explore business opportunities in Mexico. The inspiring three day event will enable the establishment of partnerships, creation of alliances and sharing of best practices between local and international businesses.

Get a taste of the Mexican market

  • Find a partner or distributon
  • Discover import opportunities
  • Connect with thousands of traffic professionals in only three days’ time
  • Establish profitable business relationships, exchange ideas and enhance know-how

Event location

Centro Citibanamex

Centro Citibanamex Avenida Del Conscripto 311 Colonia Lomas de Sotelo. Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11200 México D.F. Mexico

Tel: 52 (55) 5268 2000

Contact information

RAI Amsterdam Exhibitions

RAI Amsterdam Exhibitions P.O. Box 77777 1070 MS Amsterdam Netherlands eu

Richard Butter Send Email

+31 (0)20 549 1061 +31 (0)20 549 18 89