Celebrating a milestone in parking manufacturing

I bet there is a party at IPS Group Inc.! IPS Group is a leader in intelligent parking technologies and they celebrated their 100,000th parking meter being manufactured in the USA this month. We’d like to congratulate IPS Group with this mayor milestone!

IPS Group, located in San Diego, stands for simple and affordable, yet technologically advanced. They are provider of intelligent parking meters, solar powered single space parking meters that take credit cards as a payment option. They are often being referred as “the company that saved the single space parking meter”. Throughout the years, single space parking meter are more and more replaced by multi space parking meters or parking terminals. These parking terminals usually operate with a “pay and display” method.

Pay and Display

Pay and displays means that the person who parked the car, has to walk up to the nearest parking machine and buy a ticket. The ticket is placed on the dashboard of the car so enforcement officers can see it. So you pay for a parking ticket and display it on the dashboard of the car. The printed ticket often says where you parked, who the parking operator is, the date and time you printed the ticket and the expiry time. Usually you can pay an certain amount of money to park for a certain amount of time, and you as a customer can choose how much you want to pay and therefor how long you want to park your car. These pay and display systems can be used both on- and off –street. The difference between a Pay and Display meter and a normal parking meter is that these Pay and Display systems serve multiple parking spaces, as a normal parking meter only serves one parking space. Also, people cannot take advantage of parking spaces that have time left on the meter, since everybody has to have their own ticket displayed in the car.

A word from Dave King, President and CEO at IPS Group

In the PRNewswire press release Dave King, President and CEO at IPS Group, says:

“This is an accomplishment that has been years in the making. We’re obviously very proud of reaching this milestone. It’s testament to the strong work and dedication of our team, the quality of our products, and the customer–oriented passion we have for the great customers that we serve.”

In the past seven years IPS Group has grown from only 5 to 80 employees. IPS has installed over 100,000 meters. Now. Only in North America there are over 100 cities that has parking meters from IPS Group installed.


Sources: ipsgroupinc.com & prnewswire.com
Picture: ipsgroupinc.com
