Park Safe car introduced in Harlow, UK

NEPP's Park Safe camera car

To support local enforcement officers, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) introduced the Park Safe car; a parking enforcement car that focusses on tackling careless, inconsiderate and dangerous parking activity.

The Park Safe car will support the NEPP's civil enforcement officers.

The Park Safe car features a CCTV camera. The captured images will be reviewed by the NEPP and they will determine whether or not a penalty charge should be issued.

The NEPP introduced this car because of a growing demand to boost parking enforcement from local residents, schools and local council. Several schools will be monitored on a daily basis.

The Park Safe car is introduced on a one year trial and will give civil enforcement officers more time to patrol permit zones and car parks.

Click here to view the full article by the Harlow Star

Image: Essex Parking Partnership
