Enjoying your holiday while your car earns you money. Excellent!

Car Sharing

Yes, unbelievable but true. A multitude of services now available to travellers is spreading across the globe and taking airport parking garages by storm. It’s taking the pain out of the parking lot payment (but unfortunately not out of the sunburn…)

Car sharing - how does it work? It’s simple. Register with a car sharing community, drop your car at a participating airport parking location and go on holiday. If your car has been rented, when you return you’ll either not pay for parking or receive a payment instead of making one. Not hard, is it?

Some car sharing communities organise matches so you can be guaranteed that your car will be used, others leave it all up to lady luck. Not bad odds I’d reckon.

Of course those occupying your vehicle while you’re away are pre-approved and your beloved four-wheeler is covered by liability insurance.

There are also added benefits to some services such as free re-fueling and a free car wash – as well as valet service – no need to schlep your suitcases all the way from the dusty back lot to the duty-free section. It’s all done for you. Easy.
