AwareCar: yet another innovation for the parking industry

AwareCar coin

We’re all now quite familiar with the mobile parking apps, now we’re seeing the world’s first system using context awareness to remember where we’ve parked our car, to keep track of the time left on the meter and even notify us if we’ve ventured too far from our parking space to get back in time to avoid a ticket.

Context awareness is a development of the concept of location awareness, linking changes in the user environment with static computer systems.

In this case, AwareCar contextually connects your car and your smart phone. What makes the AwareCar coin and it’s complimentary app stand out is that it is the first system to remember the level on which you parked your car. It utilises the sensors in your smart phone that track elevation.


The concept is still in development, however, even before they’ve released the software and hardware, the team at AwareCar are already talking about making it more effective and contain more user friendly features.

Check out the video pitch here.
