Is your parking meter bitcoin ready?


While bitcoin’s value and popularity is increasing every day, do you consider this development valuable for the parking industry?

Bitcoin, in short, is a digital currency (cryptocurrency) that provides a peer-to-peer payment option without the transactional cost.

With, for instance, ENC Valet Parking accepting bitcoin as a payment option and E-Gov Link, adding bitcoin payment to their range of services you might expect bitcoin payments to become more regular than ever.

Especially in combination with NFC, bitcoin payments would serve the modern world well. While bitcoin has an extremely fluctuating exchange rate, the use of it could up your chances on increasing the health on your financial situation.

With the right regulation on how to use bitcoin and learning from the experiences of bitcoin pioneers, in 2014, this could become a new, mainstream way to pay the bills.

Would you consider, or are you considering adding bitcoin to your payment options anytime soon?

Let us know by commenting on this article.
