EASYCHARGE.me Offers Premium EV Charging Solution

Easycharge.me Offering Premium EV Charging

Artur Sychov's EASYCHARGE.me has been offering a unique EV charging solution for several years. After dealing with the impracticality of many EV charge stations, Sychov took it upon himself to bring to the automotive market something that could adapt to all electric vehicles and car parks while keeping the investment cost down for parking operators.

To solve this issue, EASYCHARGE.me offers the Leviamp, a ceiling-mounted charging solution that allows the driver to pull the charge cable down and plug it in regardless of the car or the type of parking. In addition to that, Leviamp also provides lighting ensuring that the investment of one solution gives you double the benefit. 

This summary falls short of the many benefits of Leviamp. Clean Technica recently published a very interesting article about this unique solution. Click here to read the full article. 

About EASYCHARGE.me GmbH easycharge.me

EASYCHARGE.me GmbH is a German-based company which specializes on designing, producing and implementing smart solutions for electric vehicles. Our vision is to provide fast and affordable access to charging infrastructure for SME's, corporate or private customers.
