Meteor Meet and Greet acquired by Purple Parking

Hassle free customer experience at UK Airports

Purple Parking has completed the acquisitiong of Meteor Meet and Greet, a market leading airport parking business from VINCI Park UK. Meteor is an airport parking service that enables travelers to skip the hassle of parking your car at an airport by parking your car for you and delivering your car on your return.

Purple Parking will take over the distribution of the entire UK airport facilities which include Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester. Acquiring Pink Elephant, the UK's most famous airport parking brand for long stay car parking is part of the deal as well. 

This successful acquisition will enable a continued quality of service and secure the future of both the Meteor Meet and Greet as well as the the Pink Elephant parking brands. VINCI Park will keep focussing on their core markets of health, retail, local authorities and rail, whilst Purple Parking will focus on securing their position as the largest provider of airport parking in the UK.
