ParkCloud in the running for Best Airport Parking Company

vote for ParkCloud

Get online and get voting for the British Travel Awards. It’s up to us, consumers from every part of the globe, to vote in this prestigious competition. We’ve got until 30 September, with the results being announced in November 2015.

Speaking about the awards, ParkCloud’s Managing Director Mark Pegler said: “We’re excited to be taking part in this national travel award and since the Awards are open to voters outside of the UK this year, our entire, international, consumer base will be able to enter the prize draw.

To vote for ParkCloud, and be entered into the prize draw, visit the company’s website, or join in the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+.

About ParkCloud

ParkCloud, founded in 2008, is an award-winning, global provider of car park reservation systems and online marketing services, specialising in creating online traffic and generating revenue from parking.
