Thanks for Joining Us at the Shopping Center Parking Network Event

Shopping Center Parking Network Event

The aim of the Shopping Center Parking Network Event is to close the gap between the retailers and the parking solution providers. The effectiveness of parking at a shopping center permeates to the retail stores and their income. 

The second edition of the Shopping Center Parking Network Event was a step forward in bridging the gap and bringing together the supply and demand side not only to do business but to discuss the issues that affect this particular parking niche.

Peter Martens from Q-Park opened the event by talking about the customer journey in shopping with illustrative and interesting examples. Karel-Lodewyck Lefere from CCV discussed connecting markets. Both opening presentations set the tone for what was to be an intimate gathering of discussions, presentations and networking about improving retail parking.

SCPNE 2017

After a busy first day of workshops by ADVAM, ParkEyes, HUB Parking Technology, Quercus Technologies and Yellow and Co, the evening agenda began with networking drinks followed by a boat trip through the Amsterdam canals. Dinner at the Amstelzaal included wine tasting and music where everyone mixed and mingled. 

SCPNE 2017

Day 2 began with an open discussion about free parking, location services, loyalty programs and technology in the shopping center where parking operators and industry representatives shared their ideas and outlook on each issue. The final round of workshops continued with enough networking breaks in between to allow for further discussions and future plans. 

 SCPNE 2017

We would like to thank our valued members and the parking operators who made this event a success. We look forward to welcoming everyone to next year's event on October 15 and 16, 2018 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
