Top Tips for Making Construction and Renovation Projects a Success

During Parking Talks industry experts share their advice for successful projects

Shopping centers, airports, hospitals, venues, universities – all of them have specific requirements for their parking facilities, and yet when it comes to the initial construction they all share the same needs: a facility which is long-lasting and low maintenance, that is attractive, secure and laid out in an efficient manner for the driver.

The construction and renovation of parking facilities is an often overlooked area in the industry, and yet it is the very foundation on which other all other hardware components and software solutions build on.

During Parking Talks we shone the spotlight on parking garage construction and renovation to find out what experts thought about the area they work in. We heard from Ballast Nedam Parking, turnkey parking solution providers, projekt w, market leaders in safety barriers, and Triflex liquid waterproofing specialists, to find out more about how companies work together to design, build and renovate parking facilities.

Here are eight top tips we picked up from our industry experts:

1. Be Involved From the Beginning

Two Architect man working with compasses and blueprints for architectural plan, sketching a construction engineer project concept

Being involved from as early a stage as possible is essential to eliminating the usual problems in construction. The sooner you are involved the easier it becomes to ensure that everything is configured correctly and in good time.

2. Work Closely With All Parties Involved

 Group of men and women sit around table planning a project

Construction companies need to work with architects and designers to correctly realize the project, and with solution providers to create a garage or lot with all of the facilities required by the operator. Likewise, solution providers need to work with construction companies to ensure that their product is correctly installed.

3. Think About Client and End-User Requirements

Woman in the underground parking looking at phone

Building a strong relationship with your client is essential to a successful project and ensures that work gets done on time and on budget (or as close as possible). However, it is important that the end-user of the facility is not forgotten when key decisions need to be met.

4. Prepare for Trends

Electric car chargerStay ahead of the game so that you can be the first to offer clients what they need, or even suggest solutions they may not have even considered. Currently construction is moving towards green and sustainable solutions, so be prepared to offer EV charging, solar panels, green facades and other similar requirements.

Looking further ahead, consideration will need to be given to the impact of autonomous vehicles.

5. Prepare For Changing Requirements

Two construction workers discussing

As trends develop, requirements for parking facilities change. One very fundamental example we heard about during Parking Talks was the growing size of parking spaces. The size of parking spaces has the potential to impact upon many aspects of construction.

6. Get Your Products Patented, Certified or Approved

Business hand putting stamp on a document, close up

Apply for patents and approval or certification from the relevant authorities and countries you want to operate in to increase make yourself a more attractive proposition to potential clients.

7. Provide After Care

House shape composed of tools

Once the project has been completed and the facility is in use it can be tempting to hand over the reigns to the operator and walk away. But why throw away the strong relationship you have spent time developing? Be prepared to offer maintenance, or if this is not required, think about ways to instruct the operator in how to maximize the facility or products through training or manuals.

8. Futureproof your Solution

Businessman in high-vis jacket and hardhat with laptop

Futureproofing your solution is a surefire way to appeal to clients who want to get the most from their investment. With trends constantly evolving and requirements changing it is essential that you can show that your solution is flexible, not only for your client’s present and future needs.
Ballast Nedam Parking shared a good example of futureproofing, as their garages can be dismantled and reconstructed elsewhere.

During a construction project there are many challenges and multiple companies must often work together to provide various aspects of the facility. Moreover, with changing trends and requirements it will be interesting to see how this most crucial aspect of the parking industry develops.

Watch the video in full to find out more about the unique challenges that the construction industry face:
