Time limit on kissing to avoid parking problems

Have you ever dropped your loved one of at the airport, knowing that he / she will be gone for a long time? That moment at the airport when you have to say goodbye is the hardest. You hold each other tight for one last kiss. You’re on Cloud 9 and you want to hold on to that moment for as long as possible – which is exactly 3 minutes at the Aalborg Airport in Denmark.

The Aalborg Airport features a Kiss & Goodbye zone where people can park for a moment to say goodbye to the traveller. It’s a place that has probably seen a lot of hugs, kisses and tears. Maybe too much…

The airport has set a time limit on your goodbye kiss. We don’t know when this rule was introduced, but it sure wasn’t there in December 2011: this was the last time someone spotted and documented the Kiss & Goodbye parking sign without the additional sign “No Kisses above 3 min!”.

Kiss and Goodbye

(Picture: Huffington Post)

According to the Huffington Post, the Aalborg Airport Manager told them that this rule is implemented because “passengers had parked cars there too many times, causing a nuisance”, not because too many people had missed their flight due to too long and steamy kisses.

It’s unknown what will happen if you break the 3-minute limit, but next time you drop someone of at the Aalborg Airport, it is probably best to bring a stopwatch.

