Astro Optics Corp.

Visiting address

156 Williams Street

IL 60110


Postal address

United States


Tel +1 847 428 3181

Fax +1 847 428 3979

Company information

Established in 1967, Astro Optics Corp. has been providing beneficial products and solutions to the Transportation Industry, for over 30 years. The Company specializes in the manufacturing of a wide variety of Construction Zone Markers, Delineators, Reflective Lenses and Channelizing Devices. We also offer the finest Resin Systems and accessories in addition to quality adhesive products. The very intricate process known as Electroforming, is another one of our specialties. Electroforming is a manufacturing process to create optical inserts. These optical inserts are used to produce reflective lenses. We take pride in a very long reputation of honesty, excellent customer service, and innovative competitively priced products.

Company information

Headquarters location 156 Williams Street
IL 60110 Carpentersville
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Barriers