Beton Son B.V.

Visiting address

Ekkersrijt 3301

5690 AA


Postal address

PO Box: 5

Son , 5690 AA



Tel +31 0499 48 64 86

Fax +31 0499 48 66 66

Company information

In the Netherlands of today, living and working are a dynamic process. One that is continually undergoing changes. This has significant implications for the building industry. More and more consumers are looking for homes that can readily be adapted to meet their changing needs. In the same way, the workplace environment now demands buildings offering more flexibility and intelligence. Builders today really need to develop creative and innovative solutions if they are to rise to the challenge of this dynamic lifestyle. This means developing new building technologies and working practices. It goes without saying that these must meet today's exacting environmental standards. These developments pose an enormous challenge for the decades ahead. Or to put it another way: the sky's the limit! As far as Betonson is concerned, we intend to harness technology more than ever before, to facilitate an economical approach to construction that encourages and stimulates innovative developments. Thanks to more than forty years of experience with prefabricated concrete elements, Betonson is a market leader in foundations, elements, floor systems and pipes. Our unique combination of customized solutions and large production capacity makes us special.

Company information

Headquarters location Ekkersrijt 3301
5690 AA Son
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Concrete Construction & Repair
  • Garage Construction