Cernium Inc.

Visiting address

146 West Lockwood

Missouri 63119

St. Louis

Postal address

146 West Lockwood

St. Louis , Missouri 63119



Tel 1.314.968.5454

Fax 1.314.968.9393

Company information

The demand for effective electronic security is greater now than at any point in history. But many security services are using yesterday's technology to address today's issues. Cernium, however, is revolutionizing electronic security to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients in a way that is highly effective yet financially efficient. In fact, our clients often benefit from an investment payback within 6 months or less.

St. Louis-based Cernium is a leading developer and provider of behavior recognition software and systems for the security industry. This breakthrough software identifies suspicious or unusual behavior through video analysis helping achieve security and fiscal objectives. Cernium is Intelligent Video Surveillance.

Company information

Headquarters location 146 West Lockwood
Missouri 63119
St. Louis
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Security / Surveillance Equipment