Cleverciti Systems GmbH

Visiting address
Hofmannstrasse 54
Bavaria 81379
Postal address
Hofmannstrasse 54
Munich , Bavaria 81379
Tel +49 89 7857 6736-0
Company information
Cleverciti Systems – the company that turns the daily nightmare of searching for a parking space into a predictable, stress-free experience.
Cleverciti Systems is a disruptive technology and big data company. We have developed a new, cost-effective and smart on-street/open-air parking system and sensor technology, reducing CO2 emission and search traffic by solving many of the most urgent problems of the cities today!
Each sensor detects and analyzes up to 100 parking spaces. Complete data analysis and data processing inside the sensor.
Cleverciti Systems for cities, public and private open-air parking operators and advertisers: Our new sensor technology will contribute to increase their revenues and decrease traffic jams as well a pollution levels.
Cleverciti Systems for citizens and drivers: Our Cleverciti parking app provides live information about free and occupied parking spaces in the city and guidance directly to the nearest free space at their destination. This information allows the driver to make intelligent decisions: if there is no available parking space, use alternative transportation modes or park at less busy streets and walk the "last mile".
Company information
Bavaria 81379
30009 Alpharetta
United States
60005 Arlington Heights
United States
- Car Finder
- Car Parking Guidance Systems
- Car Parking Sensor
- Data Processing
- Digital Parking System
- Eco Friendly Parking System
- Find Your Car
- Green parking
- Intelligent Guidance System On-street
- Intelligent Guidance System Outdoor
- Intelligent Parking System
- Location Based Advertising
- Marketing Solutions with Pay by Phone
- Mobile Parking
- Mobile Parking System
- Mobility
- Multi Space Sensors
- Municipalities Parking Systems
- Non Intrusive Sensors
- On Street Parking Solutions
- Parking App
- Parking App for IPhone
- Parking Control Systems
- Parking Guidance Server
- Parking Guidance Software
- Parking Guidance Systems
- Parking Management System
- Parking Optimization
- Parking Software
- Parking Solutions
- Parking System
- Pay by phone
- Smart City Solutions
- Smarter and Easier
- Software for Controllers Management
- Software for Parking Management
- Software for Parking Management
- Software for the Council Management
- Traffic Management
- Vehicle Sensing
- Way finding
- Web-based Parking Solutions