Diamond Traffic Products, Oregon

Visiting address

76433 Alder Street


Oakridge, OR

Postal address

PO Box: 97463

76433 Alder Street

Oakridge, OR , 1455

United States


Tel +1 541 782 3903

Fax +1 541 782 2053

Company information

Located in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, Diamond Traffic Products has manufacturing, research, development and West Coast sales facilities in four buildings with over eleven thousand square feet of space. Founded in 1976, Diamond Traffic Products has a history of steady and continuous growth. This has resulted in a company with a very strong and debt-free financial background.

Company information

Headquarters location 76433 Alder Street
97463 Oakridge, OR
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Traffic Controllers
  • Traffic Counters