Erdi Wegbebakening B.V.

Visiting address

Rechte Tocht 3-5

1507 BZ


Postal address

PO Box: 151

Rechte Tocht 3-5

Zaandam , 1507 BZ



Tel +31 75 6173357

Fax +31 75 6704278

Company information

Erdi Zaandam is a speciallist in manufacturing, install and maintain in traffic equipment and streetfurniture. We have almost more than 40 years experience in daily practical use of our products. We employ our entire know-how in developing new inovative products. The products of Erdi are of high quality designed for a long life and can be used relatively easy. To pretent usual determination we put forward a maintenance scheme for each project, enabling to be maintained low cost. We are specialized in the following traffic equipment: barriers, a great variety of poles, sinckable poles, bollards, lifting barriers, parking bars, traffic signs, bicycle parking systems, trafic mirrors, tree protection, traffic safety materials.

Company information

Headquarters location Rechte Tocht 3-5
1507 BZ Zaandam
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Barriers
  • Signs