KLYK (Bramy Hormann)

Visiting address

ul. Zencow 5



Postal address

ul. Zencow 5

Imielin , 41-407



Tel + 48 32 2226258

Fax + 48 32 2256436

Company information

A company without limits As a leading manufacturer, one must think not only of development but also of consilidating one´s own market position. Which is why, from our earliest days, we began to develop our pan-European strategy. Starting by building our first factory in Belgium as long ago as 1962. Today, Hörmann is represented all over Europe by a network of sales companies and agencies. Our products are truly European, complying, as they do, with the different country regulations and standards - as a Europe without frontiers will still be our future target!

Company information

Headquarters location ul. Zencow 5
41-407 Imielin
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Barriers
  • Garage Construction
  • Gates