Professional Products of Kansas, Inc.

Visiting address

4456 S. Clifton


Wichita, KA

Postal address

United States


Tel +1 800 676 7346

Fax +1 316 522 9300

Company information

Only Nature Protects Better. When you use PROFESSIONAL Water Sealant you provide your structure with waterproofing protection that could only compare to nature itself. PROFESSIONAL Water Sealant is an inorganic sealant that bonds naturally to a variety of surfaces. Once applied it creates a long lasting, invisible barrier preventing damage caused by moisture. PROFESSIONAL Water Sealant also acts as an anti-graffitiant preventing penetration of paint allowing for easy removal of graffiti, using Professional Phase II Cleaner.

Company information

Headquarters location 4456 S. Clifton
67216 Wichita, KA
Some facts
Founded in
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Company Size