VTN Veiligheidstechniek Ned. BV.

Visiting address

Tulbantenweg 21

5349 BE


Postal address



Tel +31 (0)41 269 5560

Fax +31 (0)41 262 5075

Company information

In its 20-year existence, VTN Veiligheidstechniek Nederland BV has gained a strong position in the field of fire fighting brigades, industry and government with products and services, which increase the personal safety of people in dangerous situations. One of the high quality products VTN offers are gasdetection commodities, mobile as well as stationary. These commodities are adjusted to markets needs, applicable to many fields especially to the Parking Industry, and they fulfil all current regulations. VTN, an innovative and reliable partner in gasdetection!

Company information

Headquarters location Tulbantenweg 21
5349 BE Oss
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size