WBCM (Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani)

Visiting address

849 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 100


Baltimore, MD

Postal address

United States


Tel +1 410 5124500

Fax +1 410 3244100

Company information

Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani, LLP (WBCM) was established April 1, 1977. During the past twenty-three years, WBCM has completed the design of projects exceeding one billion dollars in construction value. These include highway and bridge engineering, transportation planning, design of industrial, institutional and commercial structures, land development and master planning, landscape architecture, environmental engineering, design of waterfront and other marine-related facilities, and construction inspection and field surveying.

Company information

Headquarters location 849 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 100
21286 Baltimore, MD
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size