Larry Feuer Appointed President of Amano McGann

Michael J. Lee, President & CEO of Amano USA Holdings, Inc. has announced the appointment of Larry Feuer as President of Amano McGann, Inc. Feuer is taking over the reins following Terry McGanns retirement.
larry_feuer.jpgFeuer has served the Amano product brand for almost 30 years, most recently as Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing with Amano McGann, Inc. He was responsible for marketing & sales management and product development efforts both nationally and internationally.

He will be leading Amanos strategic efforts to be the very best in the Parking Industry and to meet the needs of our customers and partners with innovative solutions to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

McGann has accepted the position of Director of Business Planning atAmano USA Holdings, Inc and will be working on strategies that will play a very important part in strengthening Amanos position in the Parking Industry and the company anticipates much success in his new assignment.

Terry is one of the most respected and influential names in the parking industry, said Lee, and we thank Terry for his significant contribution to our parking business and for the inspiring leadership he has shown over many years.

About Amano

Amano USA Holdings, Inc. is a subsidiary of Amano Corporation Japan. Amano USA operations include Time and Security Systems, Parking Systems, as well as Floorcare Clean Technologies. Amano McGann, Inc., a subsidiary of Amano USA Holdings, Inc. provides development, manufacturing and distribution of hardware and software solutions for the parking industry. Amano McGann distributes nationally through its branch office and an authorized dealer network.


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