Amano McGann OPUSolutions Installation Yields Success at The Classic Center Parking Deck

Joint Effort- Amano's Atlanta Sales Office & ITR of Georgia


A joint effort between Amano McGann’s Atlanta sales office and its distributor, ITR of Georgia produced an award for a PARCS deal with The Classic Center in May of 2014 featuring the OPUS line of products. The project broke ground for installation in November of 2014 and the site went live in December of the same year.

The Classic Center is Northeast Georgia’s premier convention and performing arts facility boasting over 600 spaces in their parking deck to accommodate patrons attending over 700 events every year. The system has made a significant positive impact for The Classic Center from both a financial and operational standpoint, which prior to the OPUSolutions installation, had never used automated parking.

The new system became one of the first OPUSeries, state of the art barcode technology installations for Amano McGann and has proved itself extremely successful for The Classic Center. The installation included nine lanes of OPUSeries equipment with Barcode FlexScan Readers, Direct Drive Gates, Proximity Readers, Credit Card Only, Pay-on-Foot Stations, Event Handhelds, the iParcProfessional Software Suite, eParcVal Online Web Validations, eFlexPrint Validations and a Special Event System interfaced to the Ticket Alternative Platform.

The robust system is currently providing The Classic Center with the highest level of automation to improve access to the facility as well as increasing company revenue, control and parking space management.

“The Classic Center is proud to partner with a prestigious company such as Amano. We spent a considerable amount of time looking for a company with a history in parking and that also understands the future. They are exactly that, and have built an outstanding system that adapts to our unique venue where we have multiple types of customers. We have only had the equipment for six months and have already doubled our income compared to last year,” stated Paul Cramer, Executive Director for The Classic Center.

The new PARCS system is a 100% cashless solution minimizing overhead cost associated with cash management. Additionally, Classic Center patrons now have the option to quickly and conveniently pre-purchase their parking which assists with providing more guaranteed revenue for the facility and a loyal customer base.

About Amano McGannAmano McGann logo

Amano McGann, Inc., with 240+ US-based employees, in combination with Amano USA Holdings and Amano Corporation, is a worldwide organization with annual revenues in excess of $900 million. As world leaders in the manufacturing and distribution of hardware and software solutions for the parking industry, Amano McGann distributes nationally through branch offices and an authorized dealer network and provides a level of service and experience unmatched in the industry.

About ITR

Since 1969, clients throughout the Southeast have trusted ITR with their parking, access, and revenue control (PARC) needs. From gated communities to government and commercial properties, and from universities/event centers and hospitals to churches, ITR provides its clients with innovative, technology-driven solutions tailored to their specific needs.

For more information on The Classic Center project and other Amano McGann parking solutions, please call 612-331-2020 or visit


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