Bolidt: Cycling for a Sustainable Future
Flooring Systems for Safe and Aesthetically Pleasing Bike Parking Facilities

With cycling being healthy and green, the Netherlands has seen strong growth in the number of bicycles over recent years. Substantial investments are being made around the country to create parking facilities for all these bikes. Bolidt facilitates the transition to a sustainable future with perfect flooring systems.
The Netherlands is truly a nation of cyclists. Every Dutch child is taught how to ride a bike at a young age. Parents bring their offspring to nursery by (cargo) bike. When the children are a bit older, they pedal to school themselves. Once they have joined the workforce, many of them can still be seen hunched over their handlebars trying to make it to the office on time. During their time off, the Dutch also enjoy going out for a ride on their bikes, including racing and electric ones. The numbers are impressive: according to Fietsersbond, the Dutch cyclists' union, Dutch cyclists clock up about 15 billion (!) kilometres a year and the country is home to an estimated 23 million bicycles.
All those bicycles need somewhere to park, so the Netherlands makes significant investments in bike parking. The government specifically supports the construction of bike parking facilities around public transport hubs allowing cyclists to easily change to a train. Sufficient bicycle parking is as fundamental to a cycling country like the Netherlands as safe bike lanes. Beyond accommodating the growing number of bicycles and keeping public spaces neat and tidy, good parking facilities for bikes are vital for a sustainable future.
When they can easily and safely park their bikes, people will be more inclined to use them instead of their cars. Not only does this benefit their physical fitness, but it also means fewer traffic jams and lower carbon emissions.
Greenest Bike Parking
Cycling is in Bolidt’s DNA as well. In addition to its own cycling team, Bolidt is a specialist in delivering sustainable bike parking facilities. Throughout the world, Bolidt produces and installs perfect, long-wearing, and safe flooring in bike parking facilities. For instance, Bolidt was involved in the construction of the world’s largest bicycle parking garage - with 12,500 parking spaces - at Utrecht Central Station and only recently in the delivery of the underground bike park at The Hague Central Station, with space for 8,500 bicycles.|
For this latest mega bike parking under Queen Juliana Square, Bolidt was once again selected to supply the flooring systems. The parking garage was finished with custom-developed flooring. An example of Bolidt’s specialist capability is the vapor open Boligrip® flooring system that was installed by its own application team on the lowest floor.
This system allows any groundwater to easily evaporate through the floor, avoiding water accumulation and blistering in the synthetic floor finish, while at the same time it prevents harmful substances such as oils and grease from penetrating and corroding the concrete. Bolidt paid special attention to safety and routing by using a bright color scheme, clear signage, and a safe finish to ensure that cyclists can easily find their way and to prevent them from slipping.
Bolidt also supplied the flooring systems for the greenest bicycle parking in the Netherlands under Station Square in Zwolle. This innovative 5,800-bicycle capacity parking is mainly built with long life and recyclable materials. The stairs of the bike parking, for instance, are easily and fully reusable at the end of their lifespan. Additionally, the parking facility in Zwolle collects stormwater during heavy rainfall. Soakaway crates made from 100% recycled material have been placed below the public pavement and green spaces. The crates collect excess rainwater and slowly release it in dry conditions. Bolidt provided the greenest bike parking in the Netherlands with a Boligrip® 50 system.
About Bolidt
Bolidt is the ultimate specialist in synthetic flooring for garage businesses. Bolidt understands that the automotive industry sets strict requirements for aspects such as assembly, maintenance, repairs, and sales. Garage owners require a floor that prevents environmentally-harmful substances such as petrol, oil, and diesel from permeating the substrate. Falling tools and high mechanical loads must not cause any problems either.
Bolidt has over 50 years' experience in the development, production, and application of synthetic flooring, and is a frequently sought-after partner for companies in the automotive industry worldwide. Garage businesses rely on Bolidt's innovative flooring because of its exceptional functional qualities such as high mechanical and chemical resistance, long service life, ease of maintenance, and aesthetics.
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