VirtuoSIS brand-new version 5.0 with ComPLC support

VistuoSIS 5.0 with ComPLC support

The consistent further development of our products is one of our top priorities. Version 5.0 of VirtuoSIS®, the world’s first 100% software-based Intercom Server, offers a range of new, powerful functions.

ComPLC support

With the ComPLC (Programming Logic Controller), Commend introduces a tool designed to supports the implementation of special functions and interface behaviours. The graphic user interface makes setting up logic circuits and time schedules extremely easy and convenient. In addition to “classic” Intercom elements, such as input messages, outputs or ICX messages, ComPLC also supports the use of KNX and Modbus I/O elements. This provides a handy link between the worlds of Intercom on the one hand, and building management (KNX) and the most common PLC system (Modbus TCP) on the other.

Using the integrated “Live Mode”, the defined logic controls and scheduled sequences can be tested at run time before they are applied to the live system.


CCT 800 5.0

With the CCT 800 configuration software, another great tool has reached the Version 5.0 mark. The new release introduces the ability to assign users roles with various levels of editing privileges.

SIP integration with new features and improved security

SIP Stations and telephones join forces in a harmonious duet of functions – either by direct installation or by way of a SIP trunk to a SIP server (IP telephone system or VoIP service provider).

Version 5.0 improves SIP integration even further by adding the following benefits:

  • Line self-monitoring provides improved security, ensures the continuous availability of terminal devices, and reports faults instantly as they happen.
  • SIP trunks now support the definition of a secondary (fallback) SIP server for Redundancy. In case the primary server is not available, the connection is automatically re-routed by way of the secondary server to ensure improved security and reliability.
  • Audio fine-tuning: Since the default volume level of SIP telephones varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, the volume settings for incoming and outgoing calls can be configured via a SIP trunk. This ensures a consistent audio signal quality throughout.

About CommendCommend

Commend develops and manufactures Security and Communication systems for protection of people, buildings and values. The Commend International GmbH was founded in 1971 and is one of the world’s largest providers of Intercom Systems. Currently 130 employees are stationed in the headquarters in Salzburg; in the international partner network 350 people are working together. Rescue forces, fire brigade, police and other security facilities rely on the dependability of this Salzburg Company as well as hospitals and nursing homes. Terminals, modules and stations from Commend for integration of speech, image and data can also be found in control rooms of the German automobile industry, in emergency call systems of subways, such as the London Underground, in many buildings for control of barriers and lifts and increase security on parking lots, parking garages. Commend products and solutions are long term investments, because they can be expanded and


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