Washington Dulles International Airport chooses HUB Parking Technology to update and replace its PARCS

Washington Dulles International Airport

Washington Dulles International Airport, ranked as the 28th busiest airport in the United States, recently awarded HUB Parking Technology the contract to update and replace its parking access and revenue control system. There are five parking facilities at the Airport with over 23,000 parking spaces serving both transient and contract parkers. The PARC system will comprise 82 lanes of HUB equipment including 19 entry stations, 24 express exit stations, 10 fee computers and 15 credit card only pay-on-foot paystations.

An extensive LPR System will include two cameras per lane allowing for post-capture at entry and pre-capture at exit. Together with handheld LPI units and LPR-equipped vehicles, the LPR System will enhance customer service and enable accurate entry times for lost tickets.

A level count system utilizing variable message signs at the main entries of each parking garage as well as level counts within the garages will help customers find available parking spaces quickly.

Serving over 21.5 million passengers annually, the Washington Dulles International Airport will utilize an integrated parking reservations and pre-booking system to provide greater service and convenience to its customers. This program is integrated with the HUB Parking Technology parking management system which will control any additional revenue collection that is required and all reports.

About HUB Parking TechnologyHUB logo

HUB Parking Technology is the FAAC Group Business Unit that develops, manufactures, installs and provides after-sales services for Parking Revenue Control Systems branded ZEAG, DATAPARK and FAAC. Through its local Group companies and distributors it is represented in all five continents and more specifically in North & South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.

For more information about HUB Parking Technology, visit: www.hubparking.com


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