Zeag launches software release V3.3/2.18

Zeag Technologies, the Switzerland based technology and supply center within the Zeag Group, announced the launch of the latest software release for the ZMS and Zeag-Orion range of products.
The software release V 3.3/2.18 provides the system owners and users with a vast number of attractive new features, improved operational comfort and security, business transparency and system availability. It increases consequently the sites profitability and competitiveness.


- Full encryption of credit card data throughout the ZMS data base.
- The integration of an ISO formatted bonus card system for VIP parking.
- Customer tailored interfaces for the exchange of data with Toll Road Management systems.
- Interfaces for the export/import of pre-booking information.
- The scalable configuration and graphical display of status/event and alarm information.
- RCU-5, the new coin management system with 5 self-recycling hoppers comforting offering highest convenience to users of the Orion pay station PKC.
- The smart banknote recycling system B2B, dispensing up to 3 denominations, for Orion pay stations PKA/PKC.
- A credit card based event parking solution improving the in/out lane capacity.
- The integration of EMV certified chip and pin reader for Zeag-Orion payment stations and fee computers.
The Zeag Software is designed to run either on a single PC or in a client\server environment, it may be used for the control of single parking or multi garage network.


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