Innova Systems Group: Public Parking Managed by SABA
Vehicle Access Control

The main stations of the high-speed train (AVE) in Spain have public parking managed by SABA, one of the main parking operators worldwide.
The SIRAM solution has been installed with a double function:
The train station, as part of a critical infrastructure, requires a special watch from the security departments and from the law enforcement agencies. That is why being able to know the vehicles who enter the premises and parking areas is part of the risk prevention policy in this type of infrastructures.
Parking Procedure
In the case of the parking procedure, being able to have the vehicle license plate when it enters, results in a better service to the client. In the SABA parking in Spain, it is parking to perform the payment with Tag (Via-T), so in the event of an incidence with the TAG system or the conventional ticket, it is always possible to search the entry transit (date, time and lane) using the license plate number.
Details of the project
Customer: SABA Spain (AVE Stations)
Year: 2014
Number of lanes: 49
Architecture Hardware: Professional computer
The access to the parking is managed by the automation system of the parking, but the system of license plate recognition registers each one of the vehicles who have access to the same.
Once SIRAM recognizes the license plate, it saves both this datum and the image captured in the database of the system.
Public parking procedure with license plate recognition
In the event of an incidence or ticket loss by the customer, it is possible to consult the date and time of entry of the vehicle. To that end, it will only be needed to perform a search in the database of SIRAM by license plate number, and we will obtain as result all the movements of such license plate, together with the image associated to the same.
Accesses critical infrastructures with license plate reading
As it is an environment of critical infrastructure, it is very important to be able to know the vehicle that enters the parking, both if the time of stay is short and if it remains in the premise for a longer time, as well as knowing the vehicles who stay overnight in the parking. This consultation may be done with a single click of the mouse and requesting to the system a list of vehicles in the stock in a given moment.
Used Hardware
The OCR has been used in this project in a continuous mode (Without trigger hardware) and in other cases, the loop of vehicle presence detection has been used to shoot the OCR. Regarding the capture unit, it has been used the same type of cabinet every case.
Used Software
About Innova Systems Group
Innova´s mission is to provide solutions for access control and for the management of traffic based on innovative technologies such as the recognition of license plates. It is renowned due to its customer service quality, facilitating the personal and professional growth of its employees, encouraging reconciliation measures, a good work environment, equal opportunities, and generating solid and sustainable benefits. All of this, searching the common good of society through a policy of corporate social responsibility which helps and generates opportunities for the most disadvantaged, and taking care of the environment.
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