ParkCloud hits 1.5 million users

ParkCloud hits 1.5 million users

August 2015 sees an important milestone reached for online marketing specialist ParkCloud, as it hits a registered user base of over 1,500,000.

Parking, as part of the wider travel industry, sees a significant uplift in the busy summer season, and this year has not disappointed, with record booking numbers for Europe's leading airport parking aggregator.

To give some context, and based on an average capacity, ParkCloud's users would fill 30 soccer stadiums.

Big plans are afoot for UK-based ParkCloud, as it expands into further territories, market verticals, and new technology platforms, with several major announcements due before the end of 2015.

About ParkCloudParkCloud logo

ParkCloud, founded in 2008, is an award-winning, global provider of car park reservation systems and online marketing services, specialising in creating traffic and generating revenue from parking.


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