RISETEK: Real-Time Parking Space Occupancy Data

Every parking manager would appreciate accurate space occupancy data. Accurate data allows for effective revenue optimization, efficient enforcement, and space utilization management of on-street and off-street parking spaces. Parking space sensor technology has been around for over a decade. Unfortunately, some sensor companies overpromised on the capabilities of their systems which lead to much dissatisfaction and cynicism from parking managers.
Magnetronic sensors often proved too unreliable to justify their expense. Unreliable data would not allow for meter resets or accurate wayfinding programs. Thousands of sensors have been removed or remain in the ground unused across the country. Like all technology does over time things have improved dramatically. Sonar sensors are an alternative to magnetronic technology but remain unreliable in many applications.
New sensors now utilize multiple technologies to verify the accuracy of vehicle detection. Utilizing a combination of light sensors in addition to improved magnetronic technology affords a highly accurate sensor option. If you have sensors that have failed, or simply have been holding out for something that is proven to work, there is an option that will allow you to move forward with your sensor goals.
RISETEK Global’s innovative, intelligent, state-of-the-art solutions combined with our “best practices” industry experience allow us to deliver proven results that optimize our customer’s business performance and empower them to achieve next-level success.
Are you interested in learning more about how real-time parking sensors can help improve the performance of your parking program Contact us using the form below or email us at sales(at)risetekglobal.com to find out more.
RiseTek Global offers an innovative parking boot solution to more effectively manage a scofflaw program, collecting more of the unpaid parking citation revenue for cities and universities, through better technology.
Our patented self-releasing parking boot, coupled together with our data analytics solution, VERGE, delivers a customer-friendly highly-effective vehicle booting solution for municipality and university parking enforcement programs.
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