Green Efficiency - Global responsibility in the world of parking

Due to its close connection with the automobile, parking management is very close to the heart of the global debate on sustainability. In some 140 years of company history, Scheidt & Bachmann has repeatedly demonstrated how new concepts can be created in the face of challenging developments to implement groundbreaking solutions. 
Sensitive to the signs of the times, Scheidt & Bachmanns future-oriented concept therefore deliberately bears the name Green Efficiency.

When everything is at stake, everything counts

Green Efficiency reflects the internal, company-wide mission to place all planning, development and measures even more deliberately in the context of global responsibility and practiced sustainability. In a nutshell: the future of individual mobility is at stake here and - more broadly speaking - the future and preservation of a world worth living in for all those on the planet.
For this reason, Scheidt & Bachmann has set itself an ambitious goal within its own areas of activities and developed the Green Efficiency concept. This project will be applied globally through the new 2 technology and set new standards. The resulting effects speak for themselves: the potential of the latest entervo generation in terms of increasing efficiency and saving resources will bring about energy savings and therefore CO2 reductions of up to 70% - sustainability which is worthwhile in every way!

The solution: simple - and comprehensively effective

State-of-the-art equipment sensors ensure that parking systems are only in active operation when required by current use. By means of light, temperature or motion sensors, equipment can be automatically switched from a resource-efficient standby mode into active function mode. As a supplement to this, facility operators can even directly bear in mind off-peak times such as nights, weekends or low season periods.
In addition, automated openings of barriers result in significantly faster entry and exit procedures. Single space detection and internal parking guidance systems enable vacant spaces to be found swiftly. Increasingly automated processes provide clear benefits, both economically and ecologically - and all this is geared towards shortening the running time of combustion engines in the context of parking.
The use of rewritable and therefore reusable access media such as chip coins or transponders makes the use of paper tickets increasingly superfluous. The efficiency effect here is to reduce the ongoing need for expendable materials, thereby protecting the environment and cutting costs considerably.



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