Mainline Health Adds Lankenau Hospital to Portfolio

Mainline Health System, one the largest health providers in Pennsylvania, has built a new parking facility to help alleviate the parking shortage at their Lankenau Campus.  
The new garage will be the 4th parking structure at the campus.  During this construction phase, the Hospital decided to replace the outdated system with a Scheidt & Bachmann system. The new system is similar to the fully automated ChipCoin system installed at their Bryn Mawr Campus.

The new Lankenau Campus parking operation comprises of 10 entry lanes, 10 exit lanes, and 7 pay stations.  All existing cashiered lanes will be removed and replaced with automated express exits.  The hospital will utilize integrated Tagmaster readers at each lane to allow contract parkers to enter and exit the parking facility in a hands-free operation.  The system will be installed utilizing S&B's latest operating system, entervo.com2. It will reside on a central server, include the next generation of dynamic 'cube reporting - the Flexible Reporting Module, and allow real-time connection to their Bryn Mawr Hospital campus.  Both projects are operated by LAZ Parking.


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