On the same wavelength as the clients

A new RFID transponder technology permits us to overcome large communication distances using battery-free and thus maintenance-free transponder tags.
scheidt&bachmannafb1.jpgThese tags are available in various designs. For motor vehicles, there are special self-adhesive strips, smaller than usual vignettes. They can easily be fastened to random places on the inside of the windscreen, without affecting the area of sight.
Scheidt & Bachmann extend their product range of contactless identification media by this RFID transponder technology and offers this technology as an integrated solution in car park systems.

This applies both to new installations and to existing systems. Integrated means in this connection that these tags are treated like normal parking cards or parking tickets with all functions involved, which is not possible in a separate "docked" solution. The integrated functions include, above all, presence control, back-out recognition, single-event recording, card tracking, contract-related tariff calculation, collection procedures and, if available, also functions for reservation and license plate recognition.


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