When Electricity And Data Share A Superhighway

How "Direct LAN" (DLAN) Is Revolutionizing System Networking
Germany - When the Rheine municipal traffic authorities contacted Würzburgs Stadtverkehrs-GmbH (SVG) with an unusual request in April, they were not playing an April fools joke.
pm_abacus.jpgSeven of the city’s parking companies were to be equipped with PM ABACUS, the latest system generation from
DESIGNA. In order not to drain the city’s pocketbook, some restrictions were imposed, including retention of parts of the existing barrier and gate systems, integration of the existing parking guide system and minimizing of investment costs for new connections. In addition, there was a request for processing of value checks and cash cards, as well as a simple system for extensive statistics.

A total of 1,640 parking spaces needed to be organized and managed from a central control center, with eight entr y and exit terminals, 13 payment machines, two long-term parking terminals and two door openers. Fiber optic cables and two-wire connections were available for networking between the parking garages. However, the connections between the terminals could not be used for Ethernet.

And, of course, normal parking operations were not to be disturbed by the conversion. All in all a challenging task.
svg.jpgSVG was responsible for the configuration, installation and
commissioning of the new systems and discovered an absolutely high-tech solution while working out the technical details: dLAN (direct LAN). The entire data traffic is sent over the internal 230 V power supply network.
designa11.jpgBasic wiring diagram „LAN over Power“ Ethernet connection via 230 V power supply network
The system is called “LAN over Power” and makes use of the Ethernet connections and existing electrical power lines. One of the main advantages is that there is no additional expense for installing network wiring, thus reducing costs by a total of 70 % . dLAN can be used in systems with up to ten terminals. A basic prerequisite, however, is that all equipment to be networked must be switched on the same phase (see basic wiring diagram). The transmission distances, which depend on the quality of the power lines, can reach as far as 200 meters. The installation of the DESIGNA system was completed in only four weeks and has operated very reliably from the beginning.
designa55.jpgParking system networking diagram

More Information

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In an increasingly networked world, isolated applications no longer exist. Processes intermesh, system limits become blurred, the availability of information is unrestricted by time and space.

DESIGNA stands for integrated solutions in the field of parking management. And for solutions that not only meet the increasingly complex requirements of the clients, but also exceed them by far. DESIGNA offers solutions that – above all – fulfil three crucial demands: innovation, economy, reliability.

With more than three decades of experience and over 6,000 fully automatic parking systems installed, DESIGNA sets standards – to help its clients attain the decisive competitive advantage.