Wolfratshausen is a smart city now

Wolfratshausen parking guidance


MSR-Traffic equips parking spaces with magnetic field sensors

The small town at the Lake Starnberg in Bavaria upgraded its parking spaces to become a smart city. Sections of the city centre where provided with innovative wireless LAN magnetic field sensors for the detection of vehicles on outdoor parking spaces, that give information on the occupation status of single parking spaces (free or occupied) at any time. Wolfratshausen is one of the first German cities using smart outdoor single space detection. 

The wireless sensors with integrated battery that where installed beneath the floor send their information to a local repeater via radio. By GPRS the device redirects the information on the occupation level of the parking spaces to a master computer where it is stored, analysed and transmitted to the dynamic direction signs. The corresponding software enables the evaluation of parking activities taking the results of each single parking space into account. It allows trend analyses as well as the identification of permanent parkers or parking offenders and visualises all parking areas on a monitor.

The integration of the sensors within the Smart City network provided and installed by the technology company MSR-Traffic from Pocking enables a precise, realtime evaluation of all parking activities and quickly guides citizens and visitors to the next free parking space. The goal of the system is to optimise the usage of existing parking spaces, reduce the time spent searching for a parking space and increase the earnings from parking fees - a win win situation for City, car drivers and environment.

Wolfratshausen      Wolfratshausen


The parking system with Wireless LAN technology contributes to sustainable city development

The guidance of car-drivers to the next free parking space helps avoid a great part of the traffic produced by cars searching for a place to park. Result is a reduction of traffic densitiy, noice and harmful emissions. Cities will offer more quality of life and once again be attractive living environments and economic zones.

MSR-Traffic’s wireless LAN technology is an economically and ecologically sustainable alternative for local government representatives confronting the current traffic situation in urban areas.


The ParkGard® Controll Center

Exact analysis by parking place positions of the parking activities, trend analysis, discovery of endurance or wrong parking and notification of the entire parking area.

See some screenshots of the software here (click to enlarge).

ParkGard software - Click to enlarge

ParkGard software

ParkGard software - Click to enlarge

ParkGard software - Click to enlarge


About MSR-TrafficMSR-Traffic GmbH logo

MSR-Traffic supplies sensor technology that enables the counting as well as the single space detection of vehicles indoors and outdoors. For more information please contact:

MSR-Traffic GmbH
Würdinger Straße 27a | 94060 Pocking
Phone: +49 85 31 9004 0
Fax: +49 85 31 9004 59
E-mail: info@msr-traffic.de