Parking solutions at shopping centre convention

From 19th to 22nd of April the global convention for the shopping centre industry ICSC Global Retail Real Estate Convention (RECon) will be held in Las Vegas, US. Retail real estate professionals from around the world meet up with shopping center owners, developers, managers, marketing specialists, investors, retailers and brokers, as well as academics and public officials.

People who visit a shopping centre want to be sure they can park their car safely and conveniently. The parking facility is the first and last impression people get from your shopping centre, since most people use their car for transportation when they go out shopping. The most important thing for people is probably the knowledge that they will find a parking space within a few minutes. Parking availability is the key factor in choosing a shopping centre. Not only availability is important, the parking experience should be as convenient as possible. People live busy lives and visiting a shopping centre should be something fun. The first experience in your shopping centre should set the standard for the whole shopping experience. Stress in the parking lot, not being able to find a parking space and traffic congestion means less time for shopping a and a bad mood, which leads to less spending.

ParkHelp will exhibit their shopping centre parking solutions at this convention. If you want to meet up with them, you can Tweet them or fill in their online form. Here’s an example of what you can expect from these pioneers in parking solutions:

ParkHelp Shopping Centres is a tool that improves efficiency and productivity of the services offered by your shopping centre. Thanks to an intelligent parking guidance system, your customers will be more satisfied and more loyal when it comes to shopping or enjoying time.

More time for shopping

  • Direct and fast parking thanks to the guidance and immediate
    identification of the available spaces.
  • Increased wellbeing and more leisure time for customers.
  • Fuel savings and less wear of the vehicle.
  • Avoids stressful situations, less likelihood of accidents and conflicts.

Improved image and quality of the service

  • Reduced CO emissions by lower driving time spent on looking for parking.
  • Comfort and profitability with the system to control temperature, ventilation and lighting levels.
  • Improves the air you breathe in the shopping centre.
  • Creates loyalty.

Dynamic management of the car park

  • Reduction of queues to enter/exit during peak hours.
  • Customers are guided to the least crowded areas.
  • Guiding and closing certain areas optimises energy consumption and ventilation costs.
  • Data on hourly or weekly traffic rates, user behaviour, average time
    of occupancy, ...
  • Management of special parking spaces.

Optimization of your business resources

  • Possibility to conduct promotional marketing activities, promotes rationalisation of human resources...
  • Turnover level.
  • Average time of occupancy.
  • Availability.
  • Estimated fee collection.

Improved information and security

  • Notices to your mobile via SMS that prevent theft.
  • Remote visual control of the parking, with real-time connection to security cameras.
  • Uniform illumination system that improves quality and security in the car park.

ParkHelp helps to turn your shopping centre into:

  • A reference point in social commitment with the environment and society.
  • A promoter of innovative solutions.
  • A shopping centre model that provides a fast, easy and convenient service.