Traffic wardens replaced by automatic cameras – Good or bad idea?

No need for traffic wardens in Kfar Saba anymore: The city has put up surveillance cameras that automatically spot and photograph illegally parked cars. If the car doesn’t move for three minutes, the cameras will register the vehicle as illegally parked. But the question is: Are these cameras a good or a bad idea?

For example: The cameras can’t see it if you stopped your vehicle for a moment because there’s a person in need of help. Neither can they see it if the reason you stopped for a moment is because you got ill while driving, or because the car broke down. The cameras only observe that there’s a vehicle standing still for three minutes at a place where you’re not allowed to park. You will get fined, even if the reason you stopped your vehicle is very reasonable. Try explaining that to the authority. I don’t think you will get out of the parking ticket…

The Kfar Saba Municipality doesn’t think this is a problem at all. They state that in all areas where the surveillance cameras are in effect, drivers are warned by signs that explain them how the cameras work. Also, drivers can always fight back and explain why they believe they don’t deserve a parking ticket. Within a certain period of time of course.

Kfar Saba municipality follows the lead of Tel Aviv with this new way of parking enforcement. In Tel Aviv people receive a fine in the mail after a traffic warden takes a photograph of the illegally parked vehicle. Even if the driver is still in the car. Even if the driver is not able to move the car at that moment.

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