Stanley Robotics: How Mobile Robotics Will Help Preserve The Environment

Mobile Robotics

The awareness of the environmental impact due to human activity and harmful modification to natural habitats is on the rise. it has been Stanley Robotics' mission to revamp and take the initiative to shift the demand away from traditional parking solutions that impose high environmental consequences. With great confidence, we can say that the future of car parking will be greener thanks to mobile robotics.

Operators no Longer Need to Turn Natural Soils Into Concrete Anymore

Last year we wrote an article about the increase of waterproofed soils and how our robots are committed to protect biodiversity. Remember: the French government announced its commitment to stabilise the share of artificial lands at 9% in the coming years because it creates serious consequences for nature. Soil sealing is hugely harmful to the overall biodiversity and the local ecosystem. With mobile robotics solutions, more vehicles can be stored on the same surface. As of today, car park operators must allocate 25m2 to each parking spot (including traffic lanes, pavement, etc.).

  • Today, while the number of vehicles keeps on increasing, airports car park operators and car logisticians no longer need to waterproof more natural areas to increase their storage capacity by 50%.
  • Tomorrow, when the global number of vehicles will stabilize, robots will enable airports car park operators and car logisticians to reduce their surface by 30% while maintaining the same car storage capacity. Remnants of artificial soils could be converted back into green surfaces while reducing significantly land costs for operators.

Operators do not Need to Build Heavy Infrastructure Anymore

For a car park of 7000 parking spots, 7.2k tons of equivalent CO2 emissions can be avoided, which is also equal to the emissions of 1,000 French citizens per year.

With the use of high-density solution, global needs for the construction of elevated car parks are reduced, those being highly polluting and harmful for the environment:

To Build a Car Park, circa 19 tons of concrete are needed per parking spot resulting in circa 7k tons of equivalent CO2 for a car park of a capacity of 7,000 vehicles. Those emissions could be drastically reduced when keeping the existing infrastructure.

In an Indoor Car Park, the air is confined and extremely polluted: 275 pollutants were identified, including some that can have significant impacts on human health.

In addition, elevated car parks constitute a major source of visual pollution, even in sparsely populated areas.

Robots Avoid Parking Traffic that Generates High Levels of CO2

Airport Carbon Accreditation is a global carbon management programme for airports that independently assesses and recognises airports’ efforts to manage and reduce their CO2 emissions

The Airport Carbon Accreditation recognises airports’ efforts to manage and reduce their CO2 emissions

The air pollution caused by motor vehicles has persistent and harmful effects on human health and the environment. Parking delays are responsible for 20% of total CO2 emissions in French transports. With Stanley, no more time is spent looking for a place to stay

No More Lightened Car Parks 24/7.

Unlike humans, robots can operate without any light. As a result, no lighting system is required in the parking.

Stop the Use of Highly Polluting Chemicals.

Robots don’t need any floor painting to park cars. Thus, SR solution avoids the use of toxic floor paints.

Facilitating the Growth of Electric Vehicles

Electric mobility is expanding at a rapid pace: the number of electric vehicles has doubled in 2018 and is expected to reach 50M units by 2025, representing a significant share of the global car fleet. Europe is the second largest electric car market after China and before the USA.

However, the deployment of EV requires heavy investments in specific charging. Thanks to robots, cars do not need to remain plugged during the client’s entire trip anymore, taking over a spot for much more time than needed: the car is moved to a charging station and stored at the main car park when charged. The solution leads to an increased ROI for airports while optimizing resources and infrastructure needs.

Mobile robotics can make car storage more cost-effective and at the same time help to make it more sustainable. A utopian vision? No. Everyday already at Lyon Airport in France, robots help to preserve the environment.

About Stanley Robotics

Stanley Robotics is a venture-backed company that was created in January 2015 and is headquartered in Paris, France. It is developing an automated valet parking service with robots that can move any vehicle and increase capacity in existing car parks by up to 50% while revolutionizing the user experience. 

The three founders, Clément Boussard (CEO), Aurélien Cord (CTO) and Stéphane Evanno (COO), all have previous experience in driverless technology (at top research institutes and with a world-class industrial corporation).
