Parquery: How Does Parking Occupancy Data Answer Business Questions and Increase Revenue?

Use Data-driven Decisions to Optimize Your Parking Lot

Parquery delivers comprehensive analytics of your parking lots’ occupancy

Increase the usage of your parking lot, reduce costs, grow revenue and gain a competitive advantage with smart parking. Do you know what’s happening in your parking lot? Is it used to its capacity? Are there idle periods? Are all areas equally utilized? Parquery delivers comprehensive analytics of your parking lots’ occupancy, providing the data foundation for business decisions.

Optimize your parking area

A lack of knowledge about how parking space is used, where and when the highest and lowest demands are can lead to inefficient and poorly managed parking. In turn, this might cause excessive traffic, congestion, long search time for parking, and discontent drivers. Concerns over parking issues – whether real or perceived – have been shown to directly affect driver behavior and discourage them from returning.

In contrast, understanding how a parking lot is actually used allows for targeted simultaneous optimization for drivers and parking operators alike. A situation where both sides profit: drivers benefit from an improved parking situation - gone are the unnerving search for a spot and concerns over parking issues - and parking operators from improved occupancy, higher turnover, and more profit.

Identify potentials

Parking data generated by smart parking solutions deliver a foundation for informed business decisions to managers. Understanding the usage of a parking lot can pinpoint potentials to increase usage, reduce costs, manage risk, and, thus,& grow revenue and gain competitive advantage.


About Parquery AG Parquery

Parquery AG a leading technology provider in the field of Computer Vision and Deep Learning.

Contact us at for more information regarding Smart Parking and AI-solutions beyond parking.


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