EFAFLEX OOO Supply Safe High-Speed Doors to Russia's Trade Centre Galeon
There are approximately 51.8 million vehicles registered in Russia, with 84% of those being cars. Here, car ownership is relatively expensive, with recent figures suggesting that less than a third of Russians own a car, and relay on public services such as taxis and buses as a mode of transport particularly around the larger cities.
Recently ‘EFAFLEX OOO’ based in Russia were asked to install high-speed spiral doors at a newly constructed Trade Centre. The facility incorporates a two storey, 320 bay car park to accommodate visitors to the centre which comprises of a hypermarket and selection of retail stores.
User safety is a key reason why architects and building contractors are choosing to use the high-speed doors from global leader EFAFLEX. Leonid Nagovitsyn from EFAFLEX OOO helps to explain, "The Trade Centre Galeon is a new state of the art facility, with importance being placed on the aesthetics and usability of the building. We have installed our high-speed doors at other Trade Centres including Vremena Goda where the product has proven to be reliable, highly functional and of sound construction. The Chief Engineer who worked on the Galeon project was familiar with our products, having worked for another company where EFAFLEX had been used".
Low, limited headroom and lintels are problems often associated with car park facilities. They aren’t however an issue for EFAFLEX, where every door is manufactured made to measure, bespoke to the aperture’s dimensions.
EFAFLEX OOO specialise in high-speed doors for industrial and commercial applications with their car parking systems becoming increasingly popular for hotels, shopping centres, airports and residential buildings. The thermal insulation properties of the high-speed spiral door coupled with the fast action opening and closing reduce exposure to the elements.
Mr Nagovitsyn went on, "This project required careful planning. There was a lack of space in which we could work, and a potential risk of absolute collapse. As professionals though at EFAFLEX we are used to meticulous planning with each of the doors we manufacture being bespoke. We are problem solvers with a skilled team of designers and installers that have generations of experience. The client is delighted with the result, and we are excited for January 2020 when this new 36,000m² facility is due to open".
EFAFLEX have over 90 models within their range which include spiral, roll-up and folding door types. Each have been meticulously designed to reduce energy costs, improve user safety and help drive performance efficiencies for industry sectors including retail, automotive, cleanroom and warehouse.
EFAFLEX design, manufacturer, install and service high-speed doors for industrial and commercial applications. Founded in 1974, the company supplies to clients including food processing, manufacturing, clean room, cold store and the chemical, pharmaceutical sectors. As the only manufacturer of high-speed industrial doors, EFAFLEX has been entered into the world market leader index and is one of the 461 top companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The privately owned company has more than 1,200 employees worldwide. With its headquarters in Bruckberg, Bavaria, EFAFLEX is firmly established as the largest employer in the region. Furthermore, with ten subsidiaries on five continents, the company is developing international markets with more than 50 percent of their revenue now being generated outside of Germany.
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