ATI and Flowbird Have Gold Medal Performance in Lake Placid
Pay-By-Plate System Installed After 8-Month Competitive Trial

Flowbird Group is proud to announce that The Village of Lake Placid, New York, home to the US Olympic and Paralympic Training Center, has partnered with Access Technology Integration (ATI), Flowbird’s upstate New York distribution partner, to launch a new Pay-by-Plate parking system. Implementation of the system began on Wednesday, January 8th and includes 32 Strada pay stations and Flowbird’s mobile parking payment application.
The plan to replace the existing Pay & Display parking meters was spurred by evident aging technology. City officials estimate the current meters to be reaching 10 years old, causing a lapse in technological efficiency. The older technology still required a driver to print their payment receipt at a pay station, walk back to their vehicle, and place the proof of payment on their dashboard for compliance verification. By replacing these meters with Flowbird’s smart Pay-by-Plate system, drivers do not have to place a receipt on their dashboard and they can extend their time at the pay station or through the Flowbird app.
While the Village’s pay stations have always had a coin and credit card payment option, the new system provides a better parking experience. The Strada features a 7” full color display and QWERTY keyboard, walking the user through the transaction with a combination of text, graphics, and animation. For motorists wanting to skip the kiosks altogether, ATI supplied the Village with the Flowbird app, which allows payment on the Android and iOS platforms as well as on the Flowbird app website. The Flowbird app provides time expiration notifications, remote time extension, and a “find my car” feature.
The Flowbird solution was selected after an 8 month head-to-head competitive trial in one of the Village’s municipal parking lots. During the trial period, the Village found the Flowbird solution, along with ATI’s response and service, to be superior to that of the other vendor.
Located just outside of Troy, ATI supports Flowbird systems for many clients in New York State including the cities of Albany, Binghamton, and Kingston as well as the Village of Cooperstown. They have been a Flowbird distribution partner since 2012.
Flowbird is the largest parking solutions supplier in New York State with over 15,000 pay stations in operation. Additionally, twenty clients in the state are utilizing Flowbird’s mobile apps for parking payment.
Flowbird US Media Contact
Sean Renn – Vice President of Marketing & Communications
About Flowbird 
Flowbird is the world’s leading parking services and urban mobility company.
The name Flowbird expresses the innate ability of birds to navigate individually within crowded spaces; mirroring the benefits for people of the intelligent parking and multi-modal systems developed for towns and cities by Parkeon and Cale.
Flowbird’s group resources include 500 R&D engineers working on behalf of customers to push the boundaries of innovation in transportation hardware, software, sensor systems, machine learning and AI, information security and mobile development.
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