Easy Booking of Parking and Other Services

GREEN Center parking system is designed to help car park owners to satisfy all their customers‘ needs. One of ways how to make the car park more convenient and comfortable is using mobile application for reservation of the parking place. It’s really easy with parking systém Variant!

Easy Booking of Parking and Other Services

An important service the parking system interface allows to implement is the online reservation of offered services made from any electronic device with the internet connection available.

After the booking has been made, an identifier in the form of a barcode is generated. It is used as a substitute for a standard parking ticket. The code can be delivered to the customer either by e-mail or it can be displayed directly on the mobile device. The related parking fee can be paid immediately in the application environment or, later, in the automatic pay station or manual pay station.

A more user-friendly option for entry to a reserved car park is the use of a PIN code. After the reservation has been made, the PIN code is sent to the customer's mobile phone or e-mail address. The customer enters the code via a numeric keypad installed on the entry terminal at the car park entry. Subsequently, the terminal prints a parking card featuring the parameters entered during the reservation.

A chip using the RFID contactless technology can become an alternative identifier. Nowadays, many devices that are permanently carried by people are equipped with the RFID chips – credit cards, city cards, mobile phones or wearable electronic devices. During the ordering process, the device can be matched with the reservation that has been made. Thanks to this, the customer can use it as an adequate equivalent of a parking ticket upon the car park entry. Via the device, also other services can be used. The payment for these services can be made together with the payment of a parking fee within a single payment

If the parking system is also equipped with a camera system designed for the license plate recognition, customers can be offered a highly comfortable way of using a reserved parking space. After entering the license plate number during the reservation process, drivers are provided with fully automated entry and exit just on the basis of their license plate number recognition without the necessity to place the parking card to the reader or to enter a PIN code.

For more information on GREEN Center products, please, do not hesitate to contact our Business Department: export@green.cz

About GREEN Center GREEN Center

GREEN Center company is the Czech biggest manufacturer and supplier of automated parking systems. Since the year 1992, we have been offering comprehensive solutions in the area of barrier parking systems. For more than 20 years, we have been working on the development and manufacture of parking systems that are characterized by high quality and reliability, long lifespan, affordability and unique design. Our manufacturing and development base allows us not only continuous improvement of our products but we are also able to react in a flexible way to all special customers‘ requirements.


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