Park & Ride Station Supported by Portier Parking Guidance
Just Park & Ride! Yes, traveling into and around cities can be that easy and hassle free if you wish.

HSL (Helsingin Seudun Liikenne) is a public transport operator in the Helsinki metropolitan region and once you have a valid ticket to travel with HSL public transportation, you can park free or for a small fee in their Park & Ride facilities. Whilst HSL is responsible for the daily operations of P & R areas, Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd (Pääkaupunkiseudun Kaupunki Liikenne Oy) is responsible for all infrastructure investments and customer experience development of the locations.
HSL serves its customers with a Journey Planner application which the user can take advantage of when planning one’s journey to Helsinki city center for example. In Journey Planner you can search for Park & Ride sites and site-specific information such as the number of vacant car parking spaces. The number of available spaces has not been available from all sites, but HSL has started to implement Portier Vision Outdoor Cameras which will provide accurate and real-time space availability information. Space availability can be shown on the local guidance displays but the information is also transferred from our Portier HOST™ parking guidance platform to the Journey Planner of HSL which makes it visible for all travelers.
Lately, Portier has installed VISION outdoor cameras at a Park & Ride location in Pohjois-Haaga, Helsinki. In this station, the cameras were installed under a bridge, which required a specific camera type meant for low installation height.
Accurate space availability information helps travelers to plan their journeys more effectively and improves the customer experience. Overall, this makes public transportation more lucrative which supports the development of metropolitan regions and reduces CO2 emissions.
Generally, effective calculation and guidance for outdoor parking areas remain one of the biggest challenges in parking and parking guidance. Over the years various solutions ranging from simple induction loop counting to individual ground sensors have been used but the most recent developments in camera technology and advanced image analysis have made it possible to utilize cameras for counting and guidance in outdoor parking areas. The main benefit of the camera solution compared to for example loop counting is the ease of operation – camera-based calculation does not need to be periodically calibrated which significantly reduces operational workload and improves the overall accuracy and reliability.
VISION outdoor cameras monitor defined areas and based on proprietary image analysis, they detect the number of vehicles and calculate the number of vacant spaces. Space availability can be shown for example in the Portier parking guidance displays, Portier Wayfinder web application or in a third-party application such as the Journey Planner of HSL. VISION outdoor camera algorithms are proprietary development by Portier, and our varying development environment offers unique conditions ranging from the midnight sun to polar night and areas flooded with sunshine, rain, slush, or snow. Such diversity has made the outdoor solution suitable for diverse conditions globally.
Another great example of Portier’s range of technologies as well as the flexibility of the Portier HOST platform which offers limitless opportunities to combine data and services with third-party solutions.
About Portier.jpg)
Portier offers complete solutions for parking guidance and management. The Core of the Portier parking solutions is dynamic parking guidance systems that offer the convenience of parking for customers as well as effective parking management for the operators. Some examples of the solutions include space-specific guidance systems with ultrasonic or camera-based detection, dynamic displays connected to third-party systems, induction loop counting for open areas, roadside guidance displays, and access control solutions for contract parking.
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