projekt-w Put INTEGRA-pw On the Test Bench to Guarantee Product Safety

INTEGRA-pw On the Test Bench

We constantly drive the product development of our safety barrier for car parks. In order to stay technically, ecologically and economically up to date, we have built an in-house test bench for the fall mat, on which we can determine the limit load capacity of the mats in a practical manner. The different mat lengths and heights are tested in combination with various fastening methods.

The loading of railings by people and the impact of cars are simulated on the test bench.

The deformations of the mats measured with the respective loads as well as their breaking loads serve as the basis for the proofs of stability and realistically reflect the product properties.

The breaking loads are much higher than the load requirements of the different European standards.

Even if the mat body is broken at the end of the test, the test result confirms again that the INTEGRA-pw safety barrier offers maximum safety and can withstand a real impact of vehicles and people.

There is a good reason why INTEGRA-pw is the only system product for this purpose of use with a "general building authority approval".


About projekt w 

projekt w

projekt w was founded in 1984 and is located in central Germany and specializes in safety barriers for car parks. We have set ourselves the task of integrating our products harmoniously into parking structures. The INTEGRA-pw product portfolio replaces conventional systems such as concrete parapets or guardrails and meets applicable European and US standards.


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