projekt w Involved in World Premiere, Wooden Parking Garage

Projekt w has installed fall protection at the first wooden car park in Switzerland. Project w delivered 1,380 running meters (296 units) of INTEGRA 943. The fall mats were fitted with system screwed connections to the supporting steel columns. In the event of a car collision, the fall protection system INTEGRA ensures the discharge of the occurring loads acc. the SIA 261 in the steel columns.
The world first wooden car par was built by Zaugg AG Rohbach in Studen near Biel in Switzerland for the transport and logistics company, Cotra Autotransport AG. The structure can accommodate up to 4,000 vehicles across three parking levels, with the impressive dimensions of 165m by 51m.
Since the high groundwater level of the property allowed only a light construction, the idea was born to build a wooden car park. The structural parts of the parking garage were made of galvanized steel. The ceilings are made of ten-meter long, very thick cross-laminated timber panels. In total, 1100 m3 of glued laminated timber, 3400 m3 of plywood boards and 30 m3 of beech wood were installed on the property.
Projekt w were chosen to provide the fall protection as their product aesthetically complemented the sleek design of the wooden parking structure. INTEGRA 943 combines personal fall protection and car impact protection in one system solution, meaning that conventional guardrail protection is not required.
About projekt w
projekt w was founded in 1984 and is located in central Germany and specializes in safety barriers and urban system housings. We have set ourselves the task of integrating our products harmoniously into new and existing urban housing and parking structures. The INTEGRA product portfolio replaces conventional systems such as concrete parapets or guardrails and meets applicable European and US standards.
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