projekt w: Parking Garage Altstadt-Hafen, Wismar
The Long Search for a Parking Space near the Port Is over for Drivers in Wismar

Wismar is a city in northern Germany, on the Baltic Sea, known for its well-preserved medieval buildings. The car park was reopened in 2018.
A total of 211 parking spaces are available to visitors on five levels, which covers the parking space requirements of the surrounding residential buildings, hotels and tourist attractions. All parking spaces offer a comfort width of 2.6 meters. Additionally, there are six disabled parking spaces as well as four charging spaces for electric cars.
The planning was carried out by architects Lengfeld + Willisch from Darmstadt, who are experienced in car park construction.
The multi-storey car park was realized as an "open car park" using a steel and reinforced concrete construction. This makes it particularly clear and user-friendly. The five levels of the parking garage are designed as couples. The inner car access is via two single-storey ramps located opposite one another in the central area. Of the 250 built-in INTEGRA-pw 943 car safety barriers, amounting to 10.74 tons of steel, 64 pieces were installed in the ramp areas alone.
About projekt w
projekt w was founded in 1984 and is located in central Germany and specializes in safety barriers for car parks. We have set ourselves the task of integrating our products harmoniously into parking structures. The INTEGRA-pw product portfolio replaces conventional systems such as concrete parapets or guardrails and meets applicable European and US standards.
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